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Find Yourself in The Present Moment

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

How Trees Teach us Ways to Fight Anxiety

Our brains are wired to constantly think. Think about the past, think about the future. One of the things I recently learned is - past and future don't exist. The only thing that counts is the present moment.

“When we are thinking about the past, we are often trying to fix or re-live something. When we think about the future, we often project worries and project scenarios we made up in our own heads”

I spent a great part of my life thinking about both the past and the future. I spent time thinking about past events and trying to figure out how my future will look like. Often worries about future plans or scenario would trap me for days. One day, with the help with some dear friends, I realised all that exists, in reality, is the present moment. Thinking about either the past or the future can bring great amounts of anxiety. The problem is that our brain functions on previous data, so any scenario we are able to imagine is only a combination of pre-existing information. The amazing news is Life is much greater than that!

I Realised Life is More

Whatever we try to imagine, plan, control, is in reality a production of our own thought process. There is nothing wrong with planning, dreaming, imagining ourselves, cherishing memories. Problems however arise when we bring fear into the process, or when we forget Life is greater than us. This doesn't mean we are powerless or helpless. The opposite! We have the power to decide what we are thinking about. If a worrying thought comes in our head, we can decide to stop and change our thought.

Whenever we find ourselves wondering into the past or into the future and experience anxiety, we can bring ourselves back to the present moment. Trees elegantly show us what this means. If you feel anxious, look at or imagine a tree. Look at this being as it stands, rooted into the ground. Whatever season it is at the time you are looking at it/thinking about it, the tree stands, present to his existence in that moment in time. The wind may be shaking it, it may be shaking its leaves, it may be dancing with its crown. Whatever happens, the tree stands there and is. We can bring this tree existence in our lives and remember we also are in the present moment.

Concentrate on your breathing, say to yourself "I am aware of this anxiety, I am aware of my breath". As you breath in and out, simply observe your breath as it enters and leaves your lungs. Imagine yourself as that tree, rooted in the earth. Bring awareness to the body sitting, standing or laying wherever you are. If your mind wonders off, simply bring your attention back.

Living in the present moment can help you lowering anxiety. It can help you bring you back to yourself and seeing that in the present moment all is well because you are and are able to be and experience the being.

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